Thursday, February 26, 2015

Free Post #1

There's not much of a story behind this photo. I just went on Facebook, grabbed the first photo I saw and decided that I was going to do my free post on it. I love my mother, and I feel terrible when there's conflict between me and her. Even though we can pull each others strings from time-to-time, she is still my mother, and a darn cool one. She's one of the funniest people I know and she does a lot for me, probably more than I do for myself. She's not the only cool mom that I know. a lot of my friends have cool moms. Each cool in their own unique way. So, my question is, what do you all think a cool mom is? Is your mom cool? What is it that makes her so great?

Also, here's a cool, Relevant quote from 2Pac's song, "Keep Ya Head Up"

"since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies, that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one"

Here's another censored line from his song, "Hit 'Em Up"

"F**k you and your M*********ing Mama"

Current event post #1: Majority of Japanese Women Say That Being Goodat Video Games Isn't Cool

Buzz Plus did a poll asking two hundred Japanese women, "do you think men who are good at video games are cool?" The results showed that 59 percent of the women answered with, "I don't think they're cool." I was a little worried after seeing these results, and it's not because I'm scared that other women might not think that I'm, "cool." I could care less about that. I already know not many women would find a slightly overweight, unemployed, 18-year-old attractive anyway. I'm worried about the way guys who read this article may feel. It could cripple the gaming community as a whole. After all, it is a male dominated community. I feel like this could affect the way men who do play video games view themselves and the way they spend their free time. It could possibly have a negative impact on the way men who play video games view themselves. Unappealing to the opposite sex. Guys might just be less open about their hobby, or even put it down completely, because of how unpopular it is with our peers. being good at video games shouldn't be stigmatized. It's a form of entertainment, like watching television, or spending several amount of hours on social media websites looking at other people's photos and achievements and then realizing that you're not going to reach any of your goals if you keep scrolling through other people's achievements. Of course, it could be a lesson to the men who do spend excess amount of hours playing video games. It is always helpful to know how you are viewed by other people, even if you are one of those hardheaded people who thinks, "oh, I don't care what others think of me. Not like it matters anyway!" It wouldn't hurt to take in some constructive criticism every once and a while. Also, just because being good at video games isn't viewed as being the coolest thing on earth, it doesn't mean that men who do play video games should put down the controller and feel guilty about the way they enjoy their free time.
Link to the article below.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Introduction Post

Hello, name is Justin Vazquez. I'm an unemployed 18-year-old that lives with his mother and does nothing but stay at home,  play video games, and watch cartoons, (mostly anime). Part of the reason why I'm working on this blog is because my evil journalism teacher is experimenting new things to do with the class. This blog will be focusing on the gaming, anime, and internet communities. I will try to be as diverse as possible and discuss current events as well. Keep in mind that not everything on this blog is meant to be taken seriously, there will be a few jokes every now and then.

Test Post

This is so I could see what my blog is going to look like.