"A 12-year-old girl was detained in Boulder, Colorado, on Friday after she tried to poison her mother twice in retaliation for her taking away the girl’s iPhone, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office told BuzzFeed News."
Whether or not you're for or against young kids having a smart device, kids have them, and when you take their precious electronics away from them, they tend to get A little upset. however, on March 2, A 12-year-old girl attempted to kill her mother for taking her iPhone away from her. The unidentified girl did so by putting bleach in her mothers drinks, such as a smoothie the first time, and the second time in her mothers water.
This is actually not as shocking to me as it is to most people. Is it scary? Of Course. But, something like this was bound to happen. We live in a society with people who's eye's are constantly on a screen of some sort.
It's a little unsettling that there's a lot less human interaction in today's world, but with the way technology has grown on us, almost like a companion, it seems as if humans are becoming more and more independent on tech. So dependent, we're willing to kill each other for it.