Friday, March 27, 2015

Current Event #2 A 12-Year-Old Girl Attempts to poison her mother for taking away her iPhone

"A 12-year-old girl was detained in Boulder, Colorado, on Friday after she tried to poison her mother twice in retaliation for her taking away the girl’s iPhone, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office told BuzzFeed News."
Whether or not you're for or against young kids having a smart device, kids have them, and when you take their precious electronics away from them, they tend to get A little upset. however, on March 2, A 12-year-old girl attempted to kill her mother for taking her iPhone away from her. The unidentified girl did so by putting bleach in her mothers drinks, such as a smoothie the first time, and the second time in her mothers water.
This is actually not as shocking to me as it is to most people. Is it scary? Of Course. But, something like this was bound to happen. We live in a society with people who's eye's are constantly on a screen of some sort. 
It's a little unsettling that there's a lot less human interaction in today's world, but with the way technology has grown on us, almost like a companion, it seems as if humans are becoming more and more independent on tech. So dependent, we're willing to kill each other for it.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Review Practice

Album: Strawberry Jam
Artist: Animal Collective

For the most part, I agree with what, Mark Richardson, from had to say about the album when it comes to the voices of Panda Bear and Avey Tare. Richardson said, "the specifics of who's doing what have been shuffled." While it is true that at times it is hard to tell who's voice and style is more present, is, and has been Animal Collective's Style.

Rolling Stone's, Robert Christgau, sates in his review, that Strawberry Jam is an improvement from Animal Collective's previous album, Feels. Christgau says that songs such as, "Peacebone," and "Chores," feel welcoming and energetic. Peacebone did feel like a great welcome back to the regular Animal Collective sound, after Panda's solo album.

Dylan S, From, starts off his review of Animal Collective's, Strawberry Jam by saying, "Animal Collective is a hard band to describe. No matter if anyone likes or dislikes the band they cannot deny how unique they are." This is something any animal collective fan can say to anyone, and something I completely agree with. He then goes on to discuss certain songs, such as, Cuckoo Cuckoo, Fireworks, and Winter Wonderland and says that they are, "Pretty damn close". Which is something that can't be denied. All Three tracks feel as if they were going for the same upbeat vibe. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Extra Current Event Post #1: Turkey thinks Minecraft is dangerous for kids

The argument that video games are too violent is not a new one. Yes of course there are video games that are violent such as the Call of Duty series, Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, and the list goes on. But, there is one game that the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy decided was too violent and is trying to get a nationwide ban on, Minecraft. Aysenur Islam, The Family and Social Policy Minister said, "[We] will examine the game and see if there is an element of violence." Minecraft is probably the least violent video game on the market. Yes, there are monsters that try to kill you and you, the player, have to defend yourself from these creatures, but the point of the game is to survive as long as you can. Keep in mind, the monsters are fantasy monsters, not something you see out of a Resident Evil movie. Microsoft actually responded to this and said, "Minecraft is enjoyed by many players in a wide variety of ways. Many enjoy the creative freedom that's presented by Minecraft and its tools, some are more interested by the opportunity to explore a landscape without boundaries and to go on exciting adventures with friends." 

3 different links to the same story below