Thursday, February 26, 2015

Free Post #1

There's not much of a story behind this photo. I just went on Facebook, grabbed the first photo I saw and decided that I was going to do my free post on it. I love my mother, and I feel terrible when there's conflict between me and her. Even though we can pull each others strings from time-to-time, she is still my mother, and a darn cool one. She's one of the funniest people I know and she does a lot for me, probably more than I do for myself. She's not the only cool mom that I know. a lot of my friends have cool moms. Each cool in their own unique way. So, my question is, what do you all think a cool mom is? Is your mom cool? What is it that makes her so great?

Also, here's a cool, Relevant quote from 2Pac's song, "Keep Ya Head Up"

"since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies, that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one"

Here's another censored line from his song, "Hit 'Em Up"

"F**k you and your M*********ing Mama"


  1. I'm not a very big fan of 2Pac's songs since I'm not that into rap but I actually do understand what he's saying about the treatment of woman nowadays, we're created inside our mothers womb yet we (I even include the female population) don't appreciate it at times. I won't say that my mom is "cool" because by just giving birth to me and my siblings already make her "cool", "awesome" and anything among those words. Not everyone would endure such scrutinizing pain to give birth to a child. I mean I've heard it's painful.

    Though I may say it's ironic that 2Pac says one thing in one song then says the complete opposite on another...You pointed something really important here and that is that no matter what happens between our moms and us we much love them entirely and always remember them. :)

  2. I throughly enjoyed this post. As a feminist myself, I feel that the role of a woman goes beyond simply raising children and giving birth. A mother's job is no easy one and it comes with sacrifices which is why there will forever be a bond between mother and child. I think its wonderful that you took the time to recognize the significance women have on the lives of children and men in general. By taking the time to truly say you appreciate your mother for who she is, you acknowledge the influence she has and the love that she gives to you. Tupac is right when he says that we should not disrespect the other half of us that brings us into this world. You both are my heroes.

  3. This is a post that I can agree with as I have often felt that I am ungrateful for what my mom does for me, especially now seeing how she's a single mother. I like how you put the lyrics of TuPac's song as it really sends a powerful message as to why do we men treat women wrongly when we all ultimately come from a women.
