Monday, April 6, 2015

Extra Current Event Post#2: Marijuana Religion Established in Indiana Thanks to Religious Freedom Law

"While Governor Mike Pence (R) was holding a signing ceremony for the bill allowing businesses and individuals to deny services to gays on religious grounds or values, paperwork for the First Church of Cannabis Inc. was being filed with the Secretary of State’s office, reports RTV6."

In an ironic twist, something good, and hilarious has come out of the ridiculous "Religious Freedoms" law in Indiana. 
Bill Levin, is the church's founder is asking for donations of $4.20 to help support his non-profit church.

I think this is great, I mean who knew someone would be smart enough to turn this  messed up law into something wonderful. I mean, the state can't really argue against followers of the church since they do believe in, "religious freedom". Who knows, maybe this could help decriminalizing marijuana in Indiana.
This is almost as amazing as the time Christopher Schaeffer, Swore into office while wearing a colander on his head to show that he is part of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Link to the article below

1 comment:

  1. People may claim to smoke "religiously" but thats like saying youre going to consume any drug for religious purpose, but the question is, is that enough justification to allow it to happen?
